Hikari School


Ms Hikaru Takii offered her own origianl program of the Japanese culture when NPOTsukushiclub started.  Her program is to introduce the Japanese culture based on her career as a senchado tea ceremony teacher, a flower arrangement teacher and a kimono making teacher. She wanted to combine variety of the culture as one class especially giving the flavour of each season as Japanese four seasons are so closely related to the ways of living and customs in Japan.

Her program is unique and profound, having attracted every member who has attended her class.  One of the attendees wears kimono and serves tea to other members.


Hikaru Takii




◇春日流瓶花/煎茶道立礼科 春斉庵会頭師範(茶名:悠光)

◆全日本いけばなコンクール文部科学大臣奨励賞/松屋賞 受賞

